Montgomery County, PA

The Borough of Pennsburg is located is scenic northern Montgomery County. Pennsburg prides itself on being a small, friendly community. With approximately 3,800 residents, Pennsburg Borough covers less than one square mile. Our website provides vital information for residents and visitors about public services, current events, permits, meeting dates and more.
Stephen Wanner, LTL Consultants - Code Enforcement & Building Inspection
Building and zoning enforcement policies are designed to protect public health and safety, to maintain property values, and to improve the overall image of the community. Abiding by the regulations enforced by the borough can help protect your property and help you avoid any potential legal and financial difficulties in the future. The Borough Code Officials are in place to assist residents with any and all zoning, building and code enforcement issues.
Code Enforcement and Zoning
If you need assistance with Zoning & Code enforcement issues, building permits,
use & occupancy permits, or inspections, please call the Borough Office at:
(215) 679-4546 ext. 3
*According to the Pennsylvania Code, a building code official has (15) business days to grant or deny a permit application.
Click here to access the ZONING ORDINANCE
Click here to view the ZONING MAP
In Pennsburg Borough, permits are required for the following:
â– Fences â– Signs â– Swimming Pools - seasonal and in-ground â– Patios â– Sheds â– Decks â– Gazebos
â– Pergolas â– Driveways â– Dumpsters â– Chimineas â– Re-roofing (not required for shingle replacement only)
â– Demolition â– Additions â– New Construction
â– Occupancy of a building - A permit is required for each new owner of a property.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain a Use & Occupancy permit upon ownership change.
â– Rental Unit inspections are performed every three years or upon change in tenant.
â– Alterations, renovations or modifications of existing buildings such as plumbing, HVAC, and electrical work.
Permits may also be required for other work not listed above.
Please call the Borough Office before you begin any work and to schedule your inspections.
Permits are also available at the Borough Office during business hours.

In Pennsylvania homeowners and contractors are required to contact PA One Call, by dialing 8-1-1 at least three business days before beginning any digging or excavation project.
Click here for more information.
What are the setbacks for building or structure accessory to a dwelling?
- Front Yard: From any road ultimate right-of-way: double the front yard setback of the district or 20 feet, whichever is greater.
- Side and Rear Yards: 3 feet; provided, however, that a shed made contiguous with a legally located fence may be placed along the same line as the fence.
Does Pennsburg Borough do property surveys?
We do not survey properties. Please contact a local surveyor.
What are the regulations for installing a fence on my property?
A zoning permit is required to install a fence on your property.
The maximum allowed height for fences is 6 feet.
A fence may be installed on the property line.
The maximum height for a fence installed in the sight triangle of an intersection is 2 1/2 feet.
*As a State requirement, you must dial 8-1-1 before you dig!
If I am selling my house/property, what is required by the Borough?
If you are selling your house/property, a Use and Occupancy inspection
is required along with a fee of $75.00. You can access the form above or
pick one up at the borough office.
What is the Borough policy on weed removal?
Borough Ordinance requires that properties within the Borough limits keep
all grass and weeds below a maximum height of eight inches. Anyone found
in violation of this regulation will be subject to penalties and possible fines.
What is the Borough policy on snow removal?
Borough Ordinance requires that property owners or occupants remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 24 hours after snow or freezing rain has ceased to fall. Failure to comply with this Ordinance can result in penalties and possible fines.
Do you have a Use & Occupancy permit checklist?
Yes, please click on the link to view the list above.
What is the policy on installing a swimming pool?
A Building Permit is required to install a swimming pool. Temporary season pools require a Zoning Permit. If you are installing a swimming pool that is in-ground or less than four feet in height or capable of holding a depth of 24" of water, you are required to install a fence no less than four feet in height encompassing the entire swimming pool. This applies to all pools.
Are inspections required on rental units?
Yes, inspections are required on rental units. Rental inspections will take place every three years or upon a change in tenant. A new tenant registration form must be submitted if a new tenant moves in.
How many trash bags can I put out per week?
A maximum of 2 33-gallon bags per household per week is permitted in excess of your green lid trash tote provided by Waste Management.
Borough bags are no longer required. To find out more trash and recycling information, click here: Trash & Recycling